Paradise Connections Yacht Charters Pacific Northwest Sailing Crewed Yacht Charter Itinerary

Destinations & Sample Yacht Charter Itineraries

Pacific Northwest Sailing itinerary

By Captain Daniel Wise, s/v COCONUT

s/v Coconut

Day 1: Anacortes to Lopez Island - Cruising distance: 12 miles

Anacortes is located on Fidalgo Island which is the easternmost of the San Juan Islands and a staging point to the rest of the archipelago. Fidalgo has the benefit of being a drive-to island and is accessible by bridges from the east and from Whidbey Island to the south. It is also home to the Washington State Ferry terminal, serving the rest of the San Juan's and Sidney / Victoria, BC.

Anacortes boasts a huge amount of recreational activities for all ages, interests and skill levels. Here you can enjoy sailing, power boating, whale watching, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, golf, camping, sport fishing, bird watching, scuba diving, beach combing and much more.

Our first day would take us from Anacortes to Spencer Spit State Park. This 130 acre park on Lopez Island hosts a huge amount of both sea and wildlife and catching your own dinner that evening with the help from our experienced crewmembers and a little luck should be a real possibility!

Day 2 - Victoria B.C. - Cruising distance: 24 miles

The following day a good three to four hour sail gets you to the provincial capital in time to begin exploring. I would recommend mooring in front of the Empress Hotel allowing easy access to the city and hotel facilities. Afternoon tea, gourmet restaurants, duty free shops, bag-pipers, and world-class museums are the attractions of the area.

Day 3 - Roche Harbor - Cruising distance: 25 miles

A leisurely morning in Victoria is suggested before lifting anchor and setting your course around Discovery Island and north to Roche Harbor. Roche Harbor is a really special place and a night here in the world renowned Marina would be highly recommended. Every evening in the summer time there is the traditional "Colors Ceremony" where the British, Canadian and U.S. flags are lowered to the sounds of each national anthem followed loud shot from the village cannon!

Day 4 - Reid Harbor - Cruising distance: 5 miles

Just a short sail today taking us to this large and well-protected anchorage is just north of Roche. En route, watch for the abundant Orca whale pods that frequent this area especially in the spring and early summer. Stuart Island, which surrounds this harbor, has terrific hiking trails with views across the shipping lanes.

Day 5 - Friday Harbor - Cruising distance: 12 miles

From here we travel to the "capitol" of the San Juan's. The town enjoys gourmet grocery stores, restaurants and shops of every variety. In addition the area hosts all of the expected outdoor activities of the area.

Day 6 - Hunter Bay - Cruising distance: 14 miles

From Friday Harbor we travel through the San Juan’s into Lopez Sound to a quiet anchorage at Hunter Bay for a peaceful evening "on the hook" or a mooring buoy.

Day 7 - Return to Anacortes - Cruising distance: 12 miles

The final day return to Anacortes offers breathtaking views of the beautiful snow capped Mt. Baker in the distance.

Remember, there are many variations to this sample itinerary. Your charter will be customized to fulfill the dreams of your charter party. That's the beauty of a crewed charter yacht sailing vacation.

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